Behind the scenes: How a podcast ad is created
Bethany Shocki
Creating an engaging podcast ad is a meticulous process that involves understanding the audience, collaborating with podcast hosts, crafting compelling scripts, and ensuring high-quality production. Read our latest blog post to peek behind the curtain and learn how podcast ads are developed at Soundrise.

In podcasting, advertisements are not just interruptions—they’re integral parts of the listening experience. Crafting a podcast ad that resonates with the audience and drives marketing goals forward requires creativity, strategy, and a deep understanding of the medium. In this blog post, we'll take you behind the scenes to explore the process of creating an engaging podcast ad read, from conception to execution.

1. Understanding the audience

The first step in creating a successful podcast ad is understanding the audience. Each podcast has a unique listener demographic, with specific interests, preferences, and behaviors. Once a media plan is finalized, brands should use target audience insights to develop relevant copy points that achieve brand goals. This ensures the ad content aligns with what the audience values and enjoys.

2. Collaborating with the podcast hosts

One of the key elements that make podcast ads effective is the trust and connection listeners have with the podcast hosts. Hosts are seen as trusted voices, and their endorsements carry significant weight. Therefore, we work closely with the hosts to integrate the ad seamlessly into the episode. This collaboration includes briefing the hosts about the brand, the key messages from provided copy points, and the desired call-to-action (if applicable). Host-read ads, where the podcast hosts deliver the ad message in their own voice and style, are particularly effective in maintaining authenticity and trust.

3. Crafting the ad script

Writing the ad script is a critical step in the process. The script needs to be engaging, concise, and tailored to fit the tone and style of the podcast. Scripts that tell a compelling story, highlighting the unique selling points of the product or service, and including a clear call-to-action will perform best. Our Operations team ensures that the script resonates with the audience and feels like a natural part of the podcast rather than a commercial break.

4. Recording the ad

Once the script is finalized, the next step is recording the ad. For host-read ads, this involves the podcast host recording the ad in their own voice. The recording session is often done in a professional studio to ensure high-quality audio. During the recording, attention is paid to the delivery, tone, and pacing to ensure the ad sounds engaging and authentic. If brands have flexibility in messaging, we recommend giving hosts as much creative freedom as possible to ensure the read is well received by the audience.

After recording, the ad goes through the editing and post-production phase. This involves cleaning up the audio, balancing levels, and adding any necessary sound effects or music. The goal is to create a polished final product that fits seamlessly into the podcast episode. The show creative teams ensure that the ad maintains the same high audio quality as the rest of the podcast, providing a smooth listening experience for the audience.

5. Placement and integration

The placement of the ad within the podcast episode is strategic. Ads can be placed at the beginning (pre-roll), middle (mid-roll), or end (post-roll) of an episode. Each placement has its own advantages, and the choice depends on the goals of the campaign and the listening habits of the audience. Mid-roll ads, for instance, are often more engaging as they appear when the audience is deeply immersed in the content. Read more about podcast ad placements in our eBook, Podcast Advertising 101.

6. Monitoring and optimization

The process doesn’t end with the ad going live. Continuous monitoring and optimization are crucial to ensure the ad’s effectiveness. We track key performance metrics that help us understand what works and what doesn’t, allowing us to refine future ad campaigns. The feedback loop is essential for continuous improvement and achieving the best possible results for our clients.

Podcast ads are authentic recommendations

Creating an engaging podcast ad is a meticulous process that involves understanding the audience, collaborating with podcast hosts, crafting compelling scripts, and ensuring high-quality production. At Soundrise, we pride ourselves on our ability to deliver ads that not only capture attention but also build trust and drive results. By following these steps, we ensure that every ad we run is a seamless and impactful part of the podcasting experience, delivering value to both listeners and advertisers.

If you’re interested in exploring podcast advertising and seeing how it can elevate your brand, contact us at Soundrise. Let’s create something amazing together!

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